Personalized Christmas Gifts for Dads

Personalized Christmas Gifts for Dads
Personalized Christmas Gifts for Dads


Don’t get your dad another necktie this Christmas, or more pens, or socks. Get him something he will actually like. These lame gifts are from their offspring that simply do not know what to get their adoring father for Christmas. Get him something he will enjoy, or at least find useful.


Here are a few ideas for personalized Christmas gifts for dad:


Personalized drink glassesLiquor or related items. I’m not condoning alcoholism, but many people, especially the lucky ones that had to raise you to be a somewhat respectable human being, like a drink at the end of a long day. Consider some high quality, lower priced liquors that most dads love. Brands such as Jack Daniels are in this category. If you can spare it, splurge on some good stuff he can bring out for special occasions. A perfectly aged bottle of Glen Fidditch scotch for example. Or a set of engraved liquor glasses. Every time he reaches for that glass for a celebratory drink with his friends and family, he will think of you and what an awesome, thoughtful, beautiful daughter you are.


Gift cards. I know, you think gift cards are lame. To many people, they say, “I have no idea what you would want so I got you this gift card at the last minute because I temporarily forgot you existed.” I’m going to let you in on a secret, ladies: men love gift cards. They allow the freedom to get what you actually want, plus find other things that you did not even know you want. The key to making gift cards the ultimate personalized Christmas gifts is to get the gift card from a store your dad actually likes. No one wants a gift card to 7- 11. Think of this gift as choosing an entire store for your father on Christmas, rather than just one specific item. Gift cards are the perfect personalized Christmas gifts for most fathers because they will be loath to tell you what they actually want for Christmas. Now you can be sure they will get what they want, if you choose the right store for them.


Food for DadFood. What do dads love the most in the world besides you? Delicious food. If you can, conspire with your mother to cook your father the greatest Christmas meal ever, and afterwards, surprise him with his favorite dessert. You know what your dad likes for dinner, especially Christmas dinner. Get the best ingredients and make sure his Christmas dinner is delicious. Then, bestow upon him one of the most delicious personalized Christmas gifts you can get– a dessert for the ages. Desserts that keep a while are best, maybe chocolates or other candies that you can wrap. Honestly, most dads don’t care about wrapping paper, they just want to eat.

Those are a few suggestions for personalized Christmas gifts for your dear old dad. Think about what he wants the most and maybe go outside the box. Do not be afraid to give him the choice and always remember how awesome you are year round.

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