Posts Tagged "Christmasgifts" – Avoid Black Eyes – Avoid Black Eyes

Last year, I waited outside in the freezing cold ALL NIGHT the night of Thanksgiving, just so that I could beat the holiday crowd the next morning, and I was still at least the hundredth person in line. Let me tell you, I will never do this again. Never. Ever. Come forty five minutes before the store opened, the pushing began. I felt like I was stuck in the “standing room only”... Prevents Holiday Headaches! Prevents Holiday Headaches!

Are you tired of coming home from the mall smelling of fifty six different kinds of perfume? Would you like to do your Christmas shopping without being stopped every twenty minutes by someone asking you if you would like to get a cell phone or have your nails buffed? Do you wish there were another way to buy Christmas presents than by waiting in line for fifteen minutes just to get one little...

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